Neighbouring Rights
Neighbouring Rights
“Neighbouring Rights” is one of those terms that can cause lot of confusion due to the background of the name itself.
If you are a Producer (music recording master owner) or Performer who have contributed to the track (singer, musician, actor, etc) you’re entitled to Neighbouring Rights when your song (or film) is played in different territories, including radio, Tv, cinema or any public performance.
Neighbouring Rights are collected by Neighbouring Rights companies (CMOs), which are completely different from music publishing rights organizations.
The Neighbouring Rights sector is a fast-growing area of global rights management.
But due to misunderstanding and eligibility issues, many producers and performers are missing out on significant income owed to them.
As with music publishing, the collection of Neighbouring Rights requires a technical and human focus, combining monitoring, tracking of non-reported broadcasts, precise claim work in over 60 organizations and territories.
Get paid with new sources of income.
With RDB Music Group, collecting Neighbouring Rights… is no longer boring !