Publishing Rights
Full administration services
From copyright registration to royalties, creators and audiovisual music companies are assured that their works are treated with the utmost care.
Registration, broadcast monitoring, royalty tracking, data and income analysis, transparent accounting. Stay focused on your creations and your business, our teams and partners around the world are here to take care of all these administration processes on your behalf.
Last but not least, our privileged relationships with collection societies allow us to resolve the most complicated cases.
Data is the new music industry
The biggest challenge in collecting audiovisual and advertising rights is knowing when, where and how a track is used. This is an essential first step which allows to know each use of a track on any territory.
Once these data have been analyzed, it will be necessary to overcome the technical specificities of the advertising registrations imposed by collection societies around the world. Of course, they are all different depending on the territory, which makes the game even more interesting.
To get these results, we use the most powerful audio recognition platforms in order to ensure monitoring and tracking of your tracks around the world, and maximize properly and timely your royalty income. Our unique experience allows us to fix the entire copyright chain.
Dashboard – New Client Experience
RDB Music Group is the only company to offer its customers a dedicated dashboard which allows them to visualize in real time where and how their music is used.
Add value to your music
Thanks to a strong network, we work closely with our Synch team to pitch your music for high-profile use in advertisements, films, movie trailers and Tv shows. The Synch opportunities are now multiplied thanks to the infinite needs of music on an ever-increasing number of media, brand and platform.
Pitching, musical supervision, license, renewal, we take care of everything from start to finish.